“Imagine Visions of Hope,” A New Project from Carl-Philippe Juste
By Elisa Turner
Prize-winning photojournalist CARL-PHILIPPE JUSTE knows when it’s time for heavy lifting. As the pandemic devastated Italy in February, Juste initiated the heavy lifting for a bold project — “Imagine Visions of Hope,” an online photo gallery that will eventually become traveling exhibits around the world.
Read MoreLowe Art Museum Features Carlos Estevez’s Distinctive Vision in “Cities of the Mind”
By Elisa Turner
Maps and their traditions have long found their way into the work of Cuban-born artist Carlos Estevez. He’s also taken creative cues from illuminated manuscripts, ancient classical and medieval literature, astronomy, and art history.
Read More‘Kilombo’ at IPC ArtSpace
“Kilombo” at IPC ArtSpace Pays Homage to African Culture in Brazil.
Read MoreBittersweet and Radical: Art after Stonewall, 1969 –1989
By Elisa Turner
“Art after Stonewall, 1969-1989” seduces and assaults with a powerful, seemingly endless stream of images drawn from two decades of radical change.
Read MoreMichele Oka Doner Back Then (1990)
Editor’s Note: This article by Elisa Turner was originally published in the Miami Herald in September, 1990. It...
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