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On 5/26/23, after nine years of publishing as Inspicio Arts, we changed our name to ArtSpeak.  The ArtSpeak publishing platform provides an intellectually sophisticated showcase for the most exciting talent within Miami and South Florida’s diverse arts communities and serves as a bridge between arts journalism and academia by blending experienced writers, designers, photographers, and digital technologists with FIU students, faculty, and professional staff.


NINETEEN complimentary editions of the ArtSpeak e-Magazine are ready for installation and download to your Apple iPad (preferably) and iPhone from the Apple App Store.  The first ArtSpeak branded e-Magazine (Volume 9, Number 2) was published in December, 2023.


From your iPad desktop or iPhone desktop, tap on the App Store icon. Search for “artspeak miami” in the App Store and follow instructions.

DigitalCommons Archive

Eighteen of the ArtSpeak (nee:Inspicio) e-Magazines have been tagged and archived by the FIU Library System in Digital Commons, see:   Digital Commons is a hosted open access institutional repository and publishing archive, combining traditional institutional repository functionality with tools for journal publishing, conference management, and multimedia. Content published to Digital Commons institutional repositories is optimized for indexing by Google, Google Scholar, and other major search engines.