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A Video Chat with Howard Herring of the New World Symphony

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HOWARD HERRING is the President and CEO of the New World Symphony (NWS).  A native of Oklahoma, and a pianist by training, he was selected to lead the New World Symphony in 2001, with the charge of revitalizing the institution’s national and international profile. In January 2011, the New World Symphony opened a new musical laboratory (the New World Center) designed by internationally renowned architect Frank Gehry.

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Sixth Annual New Work Program Performed by the New World Symphony

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      The New World Symphony, America’s Orchestral Academy (NWS), performed its sixth annual New Work program on April 29th at...

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Leonard Cohen (1934-2016)

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      The week of November 7th, 2016, was a startling week in America.  An unlikely candidate ascended to the presidency of...

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Video Chat with Tom Howie – Lead Singer of Bob Moses

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  BOB MOSES ON ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW: 4:16 min. Tom Howie and Jimmy Vallance performing on the Ellen Degeneres Show — January...

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Interview: Nicole Henry — Jazz Vocalist

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With Whitney-Houston-like beauty, charisma, and vocal range, and an aunt who was a back-up singer for major performers like Patti LaBelle, NICOLE HENRY was originally drawn to pop music, but she was soon attracted to the richer, more complex lyrics and music of jazz.

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