Daniel Okrent: Author, Journalist, Editor, & Inventor of Fantasy Sports
DANIEL OKRENT is the award-winning author of six books, including “The Guarded Gate,” and “Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition (2011),” which was cited by the American Historical Association as the year’s best book on American history. “Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center” was a finalist for the 2004 Pulitzer Prize in history. Among his many jobs in publishing, he was corporate editor-at-large at Time Inc., and was the first public editor of the New York Times.
Read MoreLes Standiford: Author, Educator
LES STANDIFORD is the award-winning author of 23 books of fiction and non-fiction.
Read MoreBob Mankoff: From The New Yorker to Esquire & Beyond
BOB MANKOFF (b. 1944) is a cartoonist, editor, and author. After making cartoons for “The New Yorker” magazine for 20 years, Mankoff became the magazine’s cartoon editor, succeeding Lee Lorenz. Mankoff held the position from 1997 to 2017.
Read MorePoet P. Scott Cunningham
and the O, Miami Poetry Festival
SCOTT CUNNINGHAM is a poet, translator, essayist, and community organizer originally from Boca Raton, FL. He is the author of Ya Te Veo (University of Arkansas Press, 2018), selected by Billy Collins for the Miller Williams Poetry Series. His work has appeared in The Awl, Harvard Review, POETRY, A Public Space, The Rumpus, Tupelo Quarterly, Monocle, RHINO, The Guardian, PANK, Electric Literature, and others. His translations of Alejandra Pizarnik, César Vallejo, and Frank Báez have appeared in Omniglots, H.O.W. Journal, Waxwing, and The Miami Rail. And he is the founder and director of O, Miami, a non-profit organization that celebrates Miami, FL through the lens of poetry.
Read MoreMitchell Kaplan: A Man for All Seasons
Everybody who reads books in the Miami area knows that MITCHELL KAPLAN is the highly successful founder of the independent bookstore group, Books & Books, and co-founder of the Miami Book Fair, the largest book fair in the United States.
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