Miami New Drama Explores the “Dangerous Days” and Aftermath of Arthur McDuffie’s Death
“Sweet Goats and Blueberry Señoritas,” written by Cuban-Americans Richard Blanco and Vanessa Garcia, is a play about a Cuban-American baker named Beatriz who has moved from Miami to Maine. The play opens at Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre in Coral Gables. On Friday, Nov. 10, and runs through Sunday, Dec. 3.
Read MoreTwo “Wicked” Plays
Although both productions were in the works long before the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, a pair of plays – each, coincidentally, with the word “Wicked” in its title – will open this coming weekend (1/12/24) at two regional theaters in Miami-Dade County.
Read More“Sweet Goats and Blueberry Señoritas” by Blanco & Garcia
“Sweet Goats and Blueberry Señoritas,” written by Cuban-Americans Richard Blanco and Vanessa Garcia, is a play about a Cuban-American baker named Beatriz who has moved from Miami to Maine. The play opens at Actors’ Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre in Coral Gables. On Friday, Nov. 10, and runs through Sunday, Dec. 3.
Read MoreAnnie B’s Sleeper Movies
ANNE BERNAYS is an author, journalist, and educator. She is also a movie aficionado and will be reviewing “Sleeper Movies” for ArtSpeak – movies that have gone unnoticed for one reason or another, but which have struck her as worth writing about. Look for new reviews every fortnight (or so).
Read MoreMiami City Ballet’s Fall Schedule Features World Premiere by Miami Native Jamar Roberts
Miami City Ballet’s 2023-24 season premieres with “Fall Mix” on Friday, Oct. 20 at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County.
Read MoreWorld Premiere of “Plague Play”
“Plague Play” opens the second season – all world premieres – for LakehouseRanchDotPNG. The company’s name may be a little unwieldy (it evolved from a road trip artistic director Brandon Urrutia and set designer Indy Sulliero once took), but its purpose is clearly defined and something scarce in South Florida theater: producing absurdist and experimental works.
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